Dr. Josef Pschorr
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Executive Search & Consulting
Personalberatung Brau- und Getränkewirtschaft
"Strategic executive search finding the right candidate for the right position"
Dr. Josef Pschorr specializes in both search and selection of the top candidates and consultation of the top companies within the beverage industry. After having achieved his doctorate in business administration, Dr. Pschorr focused on developing and managing branded goods within the food and beverage industry. He has 14 years experience in sector leading marketing and sales positions especially in FMCG marketing, with a number of leading beverage companies.
His current clients within the business mainly come from the beverage industry; these include top companies within the beer, mineral water, soft-drinks and spirit products as well as companies who supply the food & beverage industry. The main activity of him is the executive search of professional candidates within marketing, sales, technical positions (sitting within production) and business administration within his industry.
Dr. Pschorr promotes and manages a structured recruiting process which enables him to find the right candidate for the right position; this includes managing the process from first contact to the signing of the contract between the candidate and their new employer. This is achieved by pursuing a transparent and consistent process which is easy-to-follow and produces quality executive candidates. The process is outlined in more detail at http://www.bdu.de/bdu/qualitaet/standards/personalberatung.aspx.